DeKween Elizabeth on Tripping Over the Barrel
Elizabeth DeStephens is Amazing ... For the uber talented Elizabeth DeStephens, life is about learning, helping people, and contributing to society. One might even call her the Mother Teresa of the oil & gas industry. I did once. We learn about going from Ohio to Florida to Houston to California (CRC)...From Upstream A & D to Tech Startups and Nonprofits, Elizabeth's versatility and overall approach makes her one of a kind. Super fun episode featuring Dr. Funk live from the Brown Palace, some technical mishaps, and even some off key singing. Enjoy!
Elizabeth DeStephens is Amazing ... For the uber talented Elizabeth DeStephens, life is about learning, helping people, and contributing to society. One might even call her the Mother Teresa of the oil & gas industry. I did once. We learn about going from Ohio to Florida to Houston to California (CRC)...From Upstream A & D to Tech Startups and Nonprofits, Elizabeth's versatility and overall approach makes her one of a kind. Super fun episode featuring Dr. Funk live from the Brown Palace, some technical mishaps, and even some off key singing. Enjoy!
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