Smitty and The Saint on Tripping Over the Barrel Podcast

Lawyers. Landman. Tribal land experts. Technologists. Okies. In this episode of TOTB, Monica Smith Griffin and Scott St. John dive deep into the many businesses that they run, how they stay sane, and talk about how lawyers do it in their briefs. Ok, maybe not the last part. A couple of energetic high achievers take the mic to rap with the fellas and make fun of longtime podcast listener Trent Stoker, a friend of everyone that he’s ever met. Super easy listen. Enjoy!!
Lawyers. Landman. Tribal land experts. Technologists. Okies. In this episode of TOTB, Monica Smith Griffin and Scott St. John dive deep into the many businesses that they run, how they stay sane, and talk about how lawyers do it in their briefs. Ok, maybe not the last part. A couple of energetic high achievers take the mic to rap with the fellas and make fun of longtime podcast listener Trent Stoker, a friend of everyone that he’s ever met. Super easy listen. Enjoy!!
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Smitty and The Saint on Tripping Over the Barrel Podcast
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