Real Talk with Collin Placke on Tripping Over the Barrel

From Rigs and Real Estate to #TOTB. Collin Placke, #gigem joins the fellas to talk about his methods behind creating financial freedom, "side hustling", and how he hedges against being "all in" with his oil career - and teaches others how to do the same. Collin takes us through working at companies big and small...the differences between working in Midland and Denver...and how to balance raising a family, a podcast, a full time job, and a side hustle. Had a blast with this young fella who has wisdom beyond his years. Enjoy it!
From Rigs and Real Estate to #TOTB. Collin Placke, #gigem joins the fellas to talk about his methods behind creating financial freedom, "side hustling", and how he hedges against being "all in" with his oil career - and teaches others how to do the same. Collin takes us through working at companies big and small...the differences between working in Midland and Denver...and how to balance raising a family, a podcast, a full time job, and a side hustle. Had a blast with this young fella who has wisdom beyond his years. Enjoy it!
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Real Talk with Collin Placke on Tripping Over the Barrel
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