Maxie Reynolds: Unveiling the Depths of Subsea Cloud and the Future of Sustainable Tech
0:00 And we're back on what the Fomc a little Friday recording here beautiful Autumn day in early November, finally developing a little bit of a routine again getting back behind the microphone and really
0:14 excited to have Maxi Reynolds on the Podcast. Today, She was introduced to me through the Digital wildcatters Network has a fantastic accent and a good story, and we're gonna jump into all of that
0:27 day and works for a company called Sub sea Cloud will talk all about that. It works in a number of different industries, including oil and gas, Oh, super relevant for the listeners of this podcast,
0:40 So Maxie I kind of gave you the high level background. We want to focus on the. You know you personally, and then talk about your organization and and all that fun stuff, but a question I always
0:51 ask to everybody that comes on the podcast. Who are you whose maintenance. I don't get an Ok, so? I suppose like I don't want to get into a philosophical debate by highly. Have to stop saying
1:11 that there is like there is a gap between who I think I am and you know how I present myself in who you think I am, and he see. I think that's true for everyone. One actually believe that. Now we.
1:25 I think we all think that we are such prison ourselves sounds in a certain we are that we carry ourselves, and certainly in that our behavior and East interest cities are obvious, but they aren't in.
1:37 You can see it when you flip around, and when it comes to your perception of other people, you only see the whole cover your your left to rationalize their behavior, so who I think I am may not
1:49 matter at trial only Mars. He like who you think I am, but to answer the question I wish that in mind turns to the question, I think I, I. one of the luckiest sort of people in the world like I
2:05 have to be and I don't mean luck in some sort of divine sense but in terms of just chance and randomly and
2:15 we can talk about that versus skill because it's an important point if we're going to look at who I am through this lens but
2:24 I grew up in Scotland, I
2:29 was born I guess the right time you know to be a female in the world today at this point in time is pure luck I had no skill there's nothing I've done to deserve being able to start a business today
2:44 being able to like grow being able to sort of flourish around that there's no there's no skill there that's all luck so I think the thought of that way I'm just I'm a very lucky person with some skill
3:00 That's the best summary I have of myself. She's a lucky Scottish last the gallup. That's where we're since that's where we're starting as a interesting. I mean, so there's you know I will get into
3:14 more details, but we can get philosophical on on what the funk that that's not an issue for me. Whatsoever. I. I like I liked the way that you presented that, and it's a phrase that I like to use
3:26 his perception is reality, right, So how I perceive you, and having only talked a couple of times and and looking at your Linkedin page or your website, I've already formed a certain opinion of
3:40 you, and you've already changed that a little bit with how you just presented yourself and and how you feel, you're lucky and and your position in the world, but I mean perception is his reality
3:50 crank to marketing is so powerful. I think in the universe today because you could take something that's very small and make it seem really big. That I've actually noticed with with funk futures
4:02 with my business, which is still a pretty small business. It's been growing pretty steadily over the three years that we've been in business, but I remember early on I. I started putting out press
4:14 releases and instill, do, but am sort of like it. You know making it look really official, and some people sort of laughed at it and they're just like. Why do you? Why do you do these press
4:24 releases? Unlike well because I think that it elicits a certain sense of like seriousness or professionalism, and you go to a conference or a networking event. People like. Oh, dude, you're out
4:35 here killing it and I'm I'm thinking you know that's your perception. Right, Yeah, you, You might not know what's really going on behind the scenes. But what you see as man thunk future just
4:47 added another client. They just went into extra for an industry. They just started a recruiting practice. Whatever it is and to them it's like man. You're really. You're really doing big things,
4:58 and to me it's just like. I mean a lot of people. A lot of companies are doing big things. Maybe they're just not talking about it In the same light has been important to me to create a perception
5:07 that then become somebody else's reality yet, but it works both ways. You can be doing a lot behind the scenes and seen nothing like it. It really does work both ways. I. I kind of enjoy that
5:17 aspect of life. I enjoy thinking about it because you can't be right or wrong. You know when you're guessing for other people, so it just becomes this thought exercise and I actually really enjoy
5:29 that too that too, So we you jumped on this morning and I asked you what time it was thinking that you are somewhere in the Uk, or in Europe and overseas, and you go. Oh, it's it's nine Lagos
5:42 Hurry. We're doing. The solution Is Not in the morning. I'm in California. I'm like well, I'm a Colorado. That's easy. My sales guys in California, So that take me through the story. How did
5:52 a young Scottish lady end up not only running a business, but but somewhere in California? Yeah, so okay, let's split sort of Ah back into this, so I love California a little expensive, but I
6:09 actually do. I like to hear the silver. I will be bankrupt by the end of the week by by one mark of eight like it's it's it's not ideal, but is a server. It serve a good place, and for what I
6:22 like in life. For why care about my? So there's that. Then how did I get here? So I became If you have Cscs let anything to witness, So when I was very young like child, for for for the earliest
6:40 memories I have of myself, I absolutely wanted to be on the move. Can wait to to you know, get my first bike to get my first car till he can travel. I've always just hard to that bug, and and I
6:54 got to. I moved out of my mom's house. Were quite young about fifteen. To you know early in life and that served to the kibosh on my, I guess potential at the time, because I was just a scallywag.
7:08 Is that I don't know if that's an American word. I. I was a social nuisance for. For the five years after that, I just didn't have my head screwed on, Right. I was sort of rebelling and I didn't
7:22 enjoy my mother's Pennington style and saw all the certain things, and so I wanted to be an adult and I got to taste what that is like if you're not going to do that well if you're going to be a
7:36 shitty adult, If you're going to make some you know choices that you just you wouldn't want for your own children. If you you know will benefit ninety, so I kind of Hunter, and then I'm me
7:48 remembered that I wanted to travel because life was getting harder and harder, One at eighteen nineteen like shouldn't be hard to, really, shouldn't you know you? Chemically it's hard to bring him
7:58 a quick to to shouldn't actually be heart, so I started looking for ways to travel and my granddad worked offshore, and so I sort of knew, but I industry a my step dad's and or religious just died
8:13 worked offshore tune, so I went to him. My mom and dad had broken up with a tight. When I ran to him and I said Can you help me get a job offshore and he said no, and I don't know the F. He'd
8:23 have just C D. S and tried, and it didn't work out. I may have taken a different path, but he said no so stubborn in it's a treat. It's a. It's a bug and a feature in my life to To d like. I am,
8:37 so surrender. It's criminal, so and he said no, and I thought chemo fuck you are the enemy, and eventually cut to I I I get and I go to work for for a Norwegian company and they took me everywhere
8:54 with them and so will you in. I went to Norway left Scotland, who nineteen twenty went to Norway, went to then Venezuela, Trinidad to be goal, and Nigeria, Bulgaria League every place, and it
9:08 was just one is absolutely the best time of my life nor responsibilities. A P. I loved it. It was so good, and you know we're working on mainly vessels, some oil rigs and things like that, so
9:20 that was sort of that, and then we were doing a lot of work in Venezuela, and I didn't not want to live there, because as I had the sense of adventure, bowels of the lake was willing to die for
9:31 that sense of adventure, So we came. Thank you. Yeah, it was like a brilliant person and we came to Miami, and I was like Oof. Kinda don't like it here either, but I kinda like America indices
9:47 nearly fifteen years ago now and so soft close, my eyes pointed to the map and a. looked like, Okay, well, let's go to California. So, he came here and then I was starting to, you know, after
10:02 a few years of working offshore, the day started to drop for me. So, it's sort of like crude to talk about money, but let's just do it anyway. So, when growing up for me, and still for a lot of
10:17 my friends today, they earn, on average, about 15, 000 per year That's 15, 15? 15 in Scotland. We don't earn
10:28 a lot of money.
10:30 There's some poverty within that country. And so, I had started, I'd walked into this job, and I was earning 14, 000 a month. I didn't know what to do. I didn't have a clue what designer thinks
10:45 where I didn't know how to spend that money. So, I stayed in my bank because I didn't care about nice hotels and there was just no place to spend. I've actually still got some of it. So I, I'll
10:58 take. I'll take some If you're you're Yeah, well as intervention Roche. I can afford coffee, and so yeah, so I then saw have done a few things I went to work and stunts for a little while in
11:14 California, because I live in Los Angeles in knots, then in the shade, well as pirate industry, and that by also had these long distance degrees from working offshore, for you know all those
11:25 years cost a decade, and so I ended up with a job in Australia in cyber security and then came back to America, Because Maggie's it when I never like No, you cannot stay here and came back and then
11:41 worked and was called Rate teaming social Engineer Regiment, and that is where perception matters most because you're breaking and physically broken into buildings like that's the job because. I can
11:53 logically hack into a computer array. The swell. Not no problem, but it's possible.
11:60 It's possible. And if I can just gain access to your physical server doesn't matter how good your software is or how good your your digital defenses are like. How are you defending your actual
12:14 physical assets, And so we were breaking into different buildings, Government buildings, and those people have guns by the way, and no surprise to find nutter fun, and so we were sort of. Yeah,
12:29 I. I'd done that, and then there was this sort of again. This is. There's a little bit of skill here, but the rule of luck pleaser a really big part in this, so I were breaking into data centres
12:41 really good physical activity for them to undertake and see how secure they are and I just had a very simple thought like
12:52 F. You want to keep them safe. Put them under war and it wasn't it was simplistic. It wasn't any more like brilliant spin that, and so I
13:03 was one of 'em like one of the few people on Earth and have not been like hyperbolic or uppity or egotistical Eight, I just happened to be one of the few people on Earth with a cyber security
13:13 backhand plus a subsea engineer back Franken. Yeah, like there's not many of that, so so then I went to someone
13:25 they'd worked for before anted like what do you think and he's like Ah. First of all, I had this idea and pressure, I told you about ten, Isley, quell, No bulky like Alexander. He helped me,
13:37 and then he helped me. He tweak the design, and he's he's involved with to, so that's kind of from you know, then to now, Whoa, Okay, Alright, a couple of things, well, first of all. You
13:52 mentioned the term Scallywag fairly certain that this is the first time on the hundred and fifty or whatever podcast that I've done that somebody used the word scallywag. But I like it. I'm into it.
14:04 I also. That The how do you keep something safe? Right? Let's drop it to the bottom of the ocean. Like what what an insane, but also sort of logical concept say,
14:20 but don't like, But how does that work Because dozen technology break when it gets deep in the water. Like how how did
14:29 he know you didn't have cell phone right here If I drop in the water. I gotta put it in rice all weekend rates. The Yes, try that, and here's so so let's backup one. When you're a hammer,
14:44 everything looks like a nail for an astronaut. Maybe I'd be like. Ooh. Let's pick them in stasis. Let's put it on the moon. Yeah, Rick and binary. That will happen in me. It's a lot easier to
14:56 get things into space. Well, Not to get them. Its be split to operate things in space than it is to do underwater like a lot, and we can come to that in a little while, but like it's allow easier
15:06 while they just have an electrical outlets on the moon than they do. Yeah, You know we are going to nine them in for something called helium. Three, The lake. We have an heir to the atmosphere.
15:17 Keeps our. It's prevalent in the sun, so the men gets blasted with it, so he well mine it and we'll bring it back to Earth and will use it for energy production here, So technically speaking, the
15:29 elite does hold some answers Am okay, So that's kind of again. That's how this happened. Right. I am a hammer. The ocean is the Neil. I'm like chuck it in like let's go, So there's that then
15:44 and what's the second part you said? Oh, it doesn't technology break. Yeah, Yeah, minutes the water sweet. You know what's so interesting about our solution, and actually Microsoft has done a
15:58 similar thing, and we can come to the differences, engineering wise on on those on the two solution to your butt way, Meet you take away the corrosive materials. So for suffer, make sense the
16:11 pump in nitrogen. It's non -corrosive so it's really good for the hardware we put in a fluid. It's non -corrosive It's really good for the hardware. There is no dust. There's no Debbie's. There's
16:20 no hotspots. It's really good for the hardware, so actually, when you have something in an optimo or an optimized environment, the maintenance windows are like lengthen. So to speak, so we have
16:33 we seen one eats the the requirements for for maintenance, so Yes things will break. We've got a few options. If they do break, You know we can go down there with her. Are we and bring a backup?
16:48 We can feel in place and and like I allocate to different stocks overstock Like there's ways around it. It's just problem solving, so Yeah, yeah, I mean, I guess the concept of disaster recovery.
17:03 Right you, You have various other locations that you can you can connect or backup data to do, so, so tell me like this whole, like so subsea cloud, Right this, this is your company super
17:16 innovative, and and I can see where this you know hammer nail brainchild of yours and turned turned into a reality, so like how do you get your business? How do you say? Okay, We have a concept
17:28 for work in a basically store your data and we're gonna put it in the bottom of the ocean. Like how do you get your business and then where do you actually put these physical and cloud servers Like
17:39 where in the ocean are they sitting right now? Alright, so let's start with the last one first cause it's easier to answer. So, we put them into rivers, ports, dams, and then further offshore,
17:51 which is sort of a good segue into how do you actually work with oil and gas companies. So, if a company has a large suite of subsea assets, we will co-locate with those assets, regs, even
18:09 pipelines, it's all about permitting really So, that's kind of how we come to work with most oil and gas asset owners, or even split link up here. And we aim basically to promote the longevity of
18:24 those past investments for them by buying or renting the sites from them or co-locate with them Okay,
18:34 so then you would like an ideal target for you would be somebody who drills offshore, right? They already have platforms out there. They're already producing massive oil wells. They've got a zone.
18:45 They've already got the permitting. The of and now you're saying okay, and also we can add this feature right to what you guys are already doing and bring additional value. Where were you already
18:57 have all the the the complicated stuff out of the way. This isn't yet to mutually beneficial in in a few easy, so one cabin keydets, we cool, Keep doing. You don't use us fine last P and carbon
19:09 credits, which is important to to the ice owners, and also we need to fiber ice rinks, and we need data centers there Because you know there's no redundancy on a wreck. We want to be process. In
19:24 the Dmv time. Even in cyber stood A, We know that it is a huge problem. There dead legacy systems are easily secured and that's a huge problem for but not like scaremongering, but for terrorist
19:39 attacks, it's in. It's maybe a one in a trillion chance or an anger. You know, I'm making up numbers but. These things happen, and we do have to protect against them, or just failures, just
19:49 the normal failures. But we've got components, I'm sure, that last for 25 years. It's really hard to economically, say, swap all those out just so we can get some cybersecurity in here, because
20:04 most people don't really understand cybersecurity, and what could happen if you don't. So we've got that problem. And ultimately, real-time data, it becomes very important direct, so there's
20:13 that And then, a lot of oil companies now have wind farm developments, and then we want to co-ocate with them. So that's kind of how we work with them. And then you asked, how does this happen?
20:32 So we go to people and say, you're a cloud provider. Here's what we offer. So we've cut your topics and your topics and we're really good for the environment
20:47 Sometimes it works and sometimes we run into what's called basically the end of years Di lemme, not entirely sure if that's liquor, common
20:59 principle, the you guys talk about, but basically the enters the innovator's dilemma, as Er asserts that maturing and legacy companies tend to strive for this incremental improvement in their
21:13 products in their operations, and optimize like their existing customer base based on what they've done before, but we all know like the the past isn't really indicative of the future. It It will
21:27 change, so we kind of run into that a law, and then also you know we're optimizing for shareholders, who sort of thinking quarter's fiscal quarters, and not long -term so we do run into that, but
21:41 typically we go to Koh providers, and we see he we produce enters underwater. here's what your maintenance will look like, here's what your cost will look like, here's what your latency will look
21:51 like. What do you think? And then there's a long conversation, it's a very long sales cycle. And then we'll test. So that's kind of where we are just now. We're not deploying hundreds of
22:05 megawatts. We're deploying tens of megawatts with different companies. Okay.
22:11 So yeah. So you actually go to the cloud provider. So you would go to AWS or Google Microsoft or even some more niche like Crusoe Energy with an oil and gas and say, okay, we've got this concept.
22:23 Is this a logical add-on for you guys? Or I guess you could go directly to an offshore operator or anybody operating in a sub-sea capacity and just work directly with them. And then they tell the
22:36 cloud provider that they want to use. Correct, exactly. So when am I hired? I just fully explained your business model. No, I think it's really cool. I'm curious, like you mentioned the carbon
22:48 credit component, which to me is pretty relevant in the last, that didn't mean anything to me two and a half years ago, but really in the last few years, the concept around whether it be ESG or
23:04 carbon credit or emissions reduction. You know, I mean, there's a lot of buzzwords and terminology that exist
23:13 And for me, I'm always curious around opportunities where monetization can happen as a means of carbon reduction. So you're doing that. Like that's a big part of your business. It seems like today
23:27 where you're basically going in and saying, let us coal okay. You guys can get the carbon credits for this and everybody's happy. That's cool. Like how do you calculate what the carbon credit
23:37 offset would be? Yeah, so sort of in
23:44 the weeds calculation. But basically - so for every - I think it's every megawatt hour of and power that we use from fossil fuel equals half it on carbon, and so let's see we're not call Co -located
23:56 with a winter. I'm here and we are. We are just running off of the grid then and we save about nine hundred and sixty tonnes of carbon per year and Collins on you. You get seven hundred dollars for
24:07 that, so that's kind of how we can calculate it. We might know it fluctuates why we'll see about sustainability as we have to get there right We we do have to and become more sustainable, But the
24:25 weird doona is fucking insane. It's ridiculous because we are tracking people all the time We are you. The The I don't have a badgley she should with journalists and night after this next completely
24:38 thing that I'm going to see. I really respect journalists, but I cant. get behind these sensationalised headlines about things like carbon capture. What a waste of time. But because the
24:54 government wants it to look like, well, we're doing something now. Instead of doing the right thing, but it might take five or ten years, we're doing this now and it's great. No, it isn't.
25:03 It's absolutely like one of the worst things that we can do. And the other thing is just renewables by themselves. Yes, we can generate quite a lot of
25:15 power or energy, but you can't get the attenuation exists and storage challenges exist. So you have to have this respect for the reality and where we are right now, which we absolutely do not have.
25:31 And that is then amplified by the media not telling us the truth, because it's extremely hard to go into the technical components of renewables and carbon capture. and understand the math if you
25:46 don't have that backhand and it's not sexy to talk about so even if I want to talk about that to someone they're not willing to listen cause you cause you talking in numbers and the glass do the best
25:57 way to present it but it's not the sexiest way to present it so I have a huge issue with our current landscape how were present into people and the other thing is and I promise you that you can have a
26:11 word in a minute but like the other thing is our reliance on oil and gas instead of God damned the last twenty years it's gone up our dependency has gone up and there's forest bangs sleek these for
26:23 modern pillars of society that we absolutely cannot or will not do without steel have you been to build your houses how are we going to build your buildings everything else we use steel for cement not
26:34 going to happen ammonia will have to will literally half the world's population will die because fossil fuels equal ammonia and we need that for our crops we We have to synthesize ammonia. We don't
26:47 have enough to grow crops for the eight or nine billion people on the planet. So like, who do you want to kill off first? So there's that. That's a little sensationalized argument. And then the
26:60 fourth one is like plastics, fossil fuel dependent. So when you go into hospital, what do you want to be touching? Because your bed, the mattresses have like fossil fuel dependency, the IV bags,
27:15 everything, touches oil and gas. And instead of talking about that, instead of saying to people, given them a chance to be rational about it saying, here's what we depend on. Here's how long the
27:24 transition will really take. By the way, it took us about 100 years to get from our, you know, wood and coburn into where we are now. We're not going to be able to do this in 20 years. Instead
27:35 of saying that to people, we say, Oh, well, don't worry about it, we'll capture the carbon Okay.
27:43 What returned to the luxe layer and that's how I feel about it? Yeah. I mean. You know I. I have these conversations a lot just in terms of what is the energy transition look like and it's it's
27:57 hard for me to answer that question cause to me, and I know this is something that Digital wildcatters talks about a lot too, As it's really energy addition. I mean that there is nothing to
28:06 transition when you're increasing the usage of the the current sources of electricity. That's just the reality of it, so we have to find new ways for all energy, and I've said this on this podcast
28:19 before To my house is located an incredibly sunny area. I have solar panels all over my roof. To me. It's making the most of where energy is available in all forms and I think that's the approach
28:32 that generally speaking people need to take that again off my soapbox now as well where they're sleek, simply asked, he said till I dilute. There's this am like a dichotomy that companies are
28:46 responsible for some of the emissions, and we are responsible for others, but actually it's not really worth the categorization. I don't think, for instance, I drive a car, but accompany meat
28:58 that car. If you look at the supply chain, and how much just C O two and other gases are involved in that. It's one thing, but here's the other thing. We underprice are like commodities, and we.
29:12 We underprice our resources war being the worst victim, and also oil and gas know I shouldn't be able to drive a truck like I. I shouldn't be able to afford to do that, but I can because the fuel
29:25 is underpriced so either we need to. We need to increase our de La Costa is to buy, because they are then sent. Incentives become aligned. People shouldn't be driving that, and I know like this
29:37 is not a popular opinion, but we shouldn't be driving these issue Vs if you're one person. get a smart car, now there's a different aspect of this. Oh, there's the European in her coming out. We
29:51 should watch you guys have all these big trucks. Nah, it's just the American, I always want something bigger. Oh, I know, but all of us do, we're all grown in size, but aside from that, so
30:01 like, I don't want to fight with people over their size of cars. I really don't, because what the companies could do is they can make the engines more fuel efficient, which is far better than what
30:12 we're doing with electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are not, are not that the answer here for so many reasons. One, when you charge it, most likely, you're charging it with fossil fuel. Yeah,
30:24 or coal. Or coal, yeah, and here's the other thing, like, and I don't know if your audience is going to be sort of turned off by this, these technicalities, but when you drive your car, if
30:36 it's an SUV or a smart car, doesn't matter, right? You drive it, the fuel gets consumed and it comes out the The and and it gets lighter. That doesn't happen in electric car. It. It's keeps it
30:48 seem weight the whole time, so the lure you out one body, the the more battery powered one has to use, Because the Lord as hippie, So then your charger more than I impugn, Because your car stays
31:01 the same weight. Now. Is that like it's a silly point of view and doesn't matter, but it's just something else to think, though large, fascinating, and you're you're making me think I'll
31:11 probably have to sit around and think all we can now. Thank you. My intuition. That level like just live one day in my life. It never stops. The Czar never stops that. Well. I like it. You're
31:23 you're touching a lot of different parts of of you know, but both energy and you know, the The R have to understand the carbon market have to understand the subsea space have to understand the data
31:34 space have to fundamentally understand oil and gas and energy as a whole, So it's cool. I, I think you have unique insight and for this. In terms of like the way that you look at at oil and gas,
31:45 since this is an oil and gas centric podcast, Do you feel like your growth opportunity is substantially within the oil and gas space Or what other types of companies as maritime industries and
31:58 verticals? Will you see your most significant growth? I think in order to Canada, growth from my company have to want and try to create an ecosystem days, not dependent on any one sector. Like my
32:17 goal. Here, I sealed the division as to have the conveyor aren't Ecosystem West subsea cable providers, and since he asset owners wind farm owners, at some point we'll get to Tyto, at some point
32:30 we'll get to you know offshore solar things like that, so, and it sort of instead of theirs does business end. Economy of scale, I guess, and that that exists
32:47 for us, and when we have to, we have to care about at all to you, so it stood diversification. That's going to be your Kia growth. Correct. Yeah, you're hired. You're good at this. You can
32:60 just sum of all the things that I like succinctly, or annoyances and Clichy. Yeah, so I'm not like a particularly smart person, but I think everybody has like you know their own superpowers
33:14 sprayed, and then I think one of one of my superpowers and I'm going to pat myself on the back Right here is that I can take fairly complex concepts and then the explain them in a way that a layman
33:27 would understand it. I think, in part because I'm a layman, so it takes me a while to say. Okay, What exactly are you saying? What does this do and then just enough life experience that I can be
33:36 like Okay. It's this. If so many times I've been taught things in my life, even oil and gas, It took me a long time to really understand the whole oil and gas ecosystem and the concepts, Because
33:47 it wasn't really taught to me in a way that was digestible. Eventually, I started to figure it out and I think okay, how can I explain a very complex engineering centric technical industry to
34:01 somebody who really knows nothing about it other than putting oil and gas it. You know getting an oil change and and putting gasoline into their vehicle, So Yeah, so understanding like okay, it
34:12 wasn't necessarily explain to me in a way that I could digested. Immediately. I want people to be able to take the cliffs notes of really what it is and how deep they want to go from there is kind
34:22 of up to them, so I think it's genius. It's sexual life skill. Because you can be the smartest person in the room. He can be able to Dmv calculation. It can be a physicist. It doesn't matter if
34:35 you can't explain it. Then it just exists in your head. It's just no good, so I. I really appreciate that brand of smartness. Because it really is smart. Well, Thank you, and now I guess.
34:46 Since I'm making this, this is my podcast on the self. Sometimes both my parents are teachers. My dad's a retired professor. My mom is an elementary school art teacher, so I think I probably
34:56 learned from them. Right, Okay, Let's take things. I mean, The psychology as a whole is like incredibly difficult to fully understand and comprehend yet, but my dad would take these concepts and
35:07 then create examples and related for college students in a way that they could actually understand it. One of the classes that he taught that taught that I loved, and they were one of the fun things
35:17 about having a dad who's a professor of anything or professor of psychology was I grew up in Plymouth, New Hampshire, and Plymouth high school Was Was right here in about a half mile away. Was my
35:27 dad's office at Plymouth State University, so sometimes after school if I had time. We're in the middle of the day. I would just walk down and my dad would be at the chalkboard made sneak into his
35:38 classroom and sit in the back right limit, and then yeah, and then he turned around and I'd I'd raise my head, but it was really fascinating to see the way that he would communicate these these
35:49 relatively complicated concepts and topics, and and still create some level of engagement. One of the classes that he created the syllabus for and taught that was always like sold out immediately or
36:02 signed up for immediately was the psychology of film, and and I think that's something that everybody can sorta relate to and he. He. You know whether it be the matrix, right, Yeah, or something
36:15 he, He can sort of allow people to understand themes and concepts of psychology through film, and then I think that's that's a learning style that college kids especially appreciate Ray versus
36:29 learning from a book, Absolutely yeah. Just a conference where someone said Alec, fashion music film and I friggin cheap, Simply No, it wasn't sport. Although sports talent dominant am, know,
36:47 but basically retain our exists. You know as one, but we categorize it and I thought like it was a pint of consideration for me, cause I didn't automatically agree. I was like. Oh, I was like.
36:59 Is that true, and I felt better ever since, but it's so interesting to learn something through a form of art. Since was that an intention of the filmmaker. Probably not so is that some sort of
37:10 bigger than the departs. Probably it's just is quite interesting ribbon was I dunno, I tend to think that that it probably was at. There's always sort of a hidden meaning that that some of us will
37:21 get, and others won't or sometimes watching shows or films multiple times because you're always going to see something with second one yet and see that Yes, rice. It's funny. Me too, cause like I
37:33 heat what I really dislike watching something new. I loved watching things I've watched before, and I don't know why at some psychological tweaked it Some some fly have, but like I love watching
37:47 things over and over it again, it's weird and but it's so funny that you should see like you started the top of that you said like I'm not particularly smart, and I do. I don't think that's true,
37:58 But it kind of doesn't make perception does opener, but for I am like I'm so intellectually. What's the word, not fearful. I, There's a word for it. You're gonna have to edit this solely.
38:18 Know intellectually fearless. No not fearless. I'm intimidated. Isn't the right word, My legal so unbelievably so like that. I read a book a week every week I read a bit cause I went fifty pages
38:31 a day itself discipline that's not smart good for the lake I do that because I'm so until I actually just intimidated and rip this is this is going to some shitty and it's nuts I'll fix it once i've
38:44 succeed it normally not by women mainly by men because women I have a short with if they are smart I'm like yes a smart women are leak and again my perception you make is Martin I might recognize that
38:56 fine but if I recognize that you are smart then I want to be around to you for sure and shorthand with you psychologically like you know your gender gender to gender is like there's something
39:09 important there then Westman if I think you're smart I can get a little bit quiet and it's really strange I don't know why have it but that is why I strive to be informed and know things down to the
39:26 last detail eg I can tell you exactly like we've we're pumping out about four billion tons of crude oil, and that. That means that like that five billion cubic meters, and globally, we've got you
39:38 billion tons of C O two and whereabouts without underground, but so we're going to put double the amount of C O two underground storage than we are pumping up oil. Reason for me to know that there's
39:48 no reason for me to recite that to you, but I know what because I'm so anxious about being caught out not knowing something. It's a real challenge, so I like that. I mean Yea. It's I mean to
40:03 bring your yama sales guy wrote that sort, Yeah, my career path and training, and and I, that one of the things that I do that. I really enjoy one of my friends is actually a sales professor at
40:14 Bentley University in Massachusetts, Man. He has probably about a dozen or so different sales leaders or entrepreneurs that are kind of sales centric. Speak to his college kids every semester and
40:26 he always asks me. It's a huge honour and I love to do it and and the questions that the students asked their very prepared. You know they did the research. They looked at my profile. They looked
40:37 at my website. They did their background their homework. I love it, and and they'll come in and and they're They're generally like very authentic and and vulnerable. I feel like in the questions,
40:49 and in the last one that I presented, probably about a month, then a half ago, something like that, and one of the students. I was a young woman's pride. Twenty twenty one years old. She said.
41:00 How do you like? I'm just generally kind of a nervous person. I don't like speaking it for large groups. Like how do you do you have any advice for me On how I can not be as nervous when I'm going
41:15 in and presenting to an audience and I said? And especially if I'm trying to sell them something now you're adding like a whole nother layer layer of nervous. Yeah, I was like you know. I think
41:28 it's a couple of things. Right experience is going to help you just doing more and more of it. You're going to start to to view these situations as as more comfortable versus just intimidating,
41:39 anxiety inducing and challenging, but even more than that like what are you worried about your worried about getting called out and not having an answer to a question yet right and looking like
41:50 you're a fool and losing all the respect and credibility of everybody that you're actually trying to do business within that room, so to bring it back to what you said, Maxi, How do you get rid of
41:59 some of that fear or some of that you know of fraud or whatever you want to say, It's really having as many of the answers as possible, and then understanding if you don't have that answer that you
42:10 can go Gaels. Who does right that. It's okay, but that took so much time to be able to figure out. Right, but truthfully like it as researched as you are, you still know you're not going to have
42:22 the answer to everything, and sometimes just announces okay, and like I have like a brand of this intellectual intimidation. That is sort of it. It's there, but it's slightly recent, so I can
42:34 say if you asked me a question in the causal casual conversation and I have to say I don't know I'm actually Ok with that. It's that weird I could set down, But you know what a God is like therapy
42:48 as we sit down as I sit down with a man. I can explain. This. I automatically feel like you're equal now. If I see something, and then it's wrong or I don't know something that you know. Does
43:02 that make me not your equal, So it's probably around there, but you know it actually never happened to me. I do, but it's it's such a fear, so it's it's sir. If you asked me who I was at the
43:13 start. You know I am this and just. Barely getting through life and it's why all of us are all of us. I know that I. I really liked that you're that you are vulnerable and and open and really
43:27 genuine, and in this discussion, and I would also just say to you like you're not only an entrepreneur. You're a female, and you're somebody who's figured out like very complex challenging
43:39 concepts. Whether it be cybersecurity subsea cloud data that people will probably be intimidated, Actually talking to you. Is it's most likely going to go to going to go in the other direction.
43:50 Yeah, right, which is which is probably wild for you to hear, but but it's the truth and I have a great deal of respect for what you've built because it's a lot of stuff that I can't really even
43:59 wrap my mind around and let alone you know. Okay, how do you program and in R O V to go, you know deep bottom of the body of water to go fix an electrical issue with a cloud -based data. Sir,
44:14 It's insane. The concept is inspired. Then I give you a lotta credit for going after it look good for you. Thank you. You know, and I have all of the things I have and I. I would love for people
44:29 to understand what it is so that the consort of cultivating themselves to some people. At least, I really can very high self actualization. If I can do something, then I will just do it like.
44:40 That's why that's my guess ethos in life. If I can do. Then I will do it. Because why wouldn't I and and and I hope it's so. I'm so glad not that many people are like me. The world be fucking
44:54 chaos. But I'm so happy that I get them joint. I go of life. Because of those thought patterns
45:06 allowed Oliver. So so follow question for you. I said forty five minutes. Of course we passed forty five minutes answer. You're you're a fun one hears. Here here's a question right, so so you're
45:17 you're technical writer. I think part of your strength is is taking ideas and actually executing on them. It, Do you have any advice either for your younger self or or other entrepreneurs that
45:29 create a concept right and and a technical solution, actually turning that into a business, Like Like How how do you look at that? Because it's one thing to have an idea. Everybody has ideas, but
45:41 actually turning it into a profitable revenue generating viable business, like some of your learnings. Any thoughts. Any advice you'd have to some of our younger entrepreneurs here. For anyone you.
45:55 You're right. We all have ideas. I've had some good ones in Savannah heights. The thing for me in business, as you have to be solving a problem, and that problem should matter right so, and
46:12 that's it he. And and that's I'm not belittling okay, so so for instance, I just put my hair up into a bond, and that bonds can snap bits of my hear. I don't care, but someone out there does
46:25 Kate about their here, so they're going to make a band. Hopefully Wendy. That doesn't snap here. Great suit your problem. You know how it weighs on. You have you see that problem? I don't think
46:35 is a problem. I'm never going going to try to solve that I think Dita is a huge problem, and here's a solution to it, so so find the problem that you keen about that that matters and solve it, and
46:47 and then what I would see building a accompany is there's no war much like painting, ting. There is actually no like blueprint. There's no manual that comes with it sold for me. While I've like
46:59 distilled or reduced it down to his
47:04 size. I am a problem solver That is my job, so I have a solution to the problem. As like how do I get people to adopt it and? And I go with that and then there's these tiny other problems just
47:18 within the big problem, but it's just constant problem -solving If you can't do that. If you don't like in that, then might be really hard for you, but honestly viewing it that we is very helpful.
47:31 Thanks to find a goal. Go towards that by solving problem by problem like that's the secret lover lover. Maxi. Where where can people find you? What your website? Do You have any social media
47:45 pages? You want to direct people to things like that I have linkedin and I'm fairly active on there and because of got to keep up with those pesky men on their hair the world, and so linked, For
47:58 sure, I just recently created at where I am, I think it's like I think it's like underscore remarks here in or something like that, I dunno. I'm not active on there, so I probably wouldn't bother,
48:11 and and then my site is just subsea cloud. Dot Com and we had subsea a common we have, and the cab begged deployment coming up through the surf next year, sillier instead of doing one on one with
48:26 companies going to, you know, Insert big company name here instead of scene to them, Haiti, to see what this looks like in your architecture, To see if he want to adopt us, were seen to sixteen
48:36 companies. Witches, cause one for each rack of servers in our units were Sand Lake. Come in, We're going to deploy, probably Iran to Europe, may be New Zealand, and and I think we'll we'll
48:50 really swill. Make little press release for that, Make ourselves feel of an important fact to the top, Create that perception which pupils reality, Natalie Reynolds awesome to have you on today
49:03 really appreciate you being part of the Digital wildcatters network. Hopefully you got on some other podcast here as well. continue to get you some exposure for what you're doing. Since it's super
49:12 cool, super creative, and it's super techy. But enjoyed getting to know you better. Thank you for coming on for everybody listening, especially our oil and gas audience, anybody off shore,
49:24 subsea cloud, check them out. Thanks, Max. Thank you so much.