Making Work Suck Less with Matt Harriman on Tripping Over the Barrel
Matt Harriman likes making work suck less. He even says it on his company, Pod2's, website. But he also specifically mentions that Al Pacino does not work at his company, so we never know with this wild card.
Anyhow, Matt walks us through his history, what he enjoys doing, his consulting company and technology ideas. Bonus: Dr. Funkenstein records this episode from the confines of another DW podcaster's home, a toddler shows up mid-podcast, and T-Lo talks about driving all over Texas - moving one daughter into College, the day after marrying another daughter within 21 hours. Fun one
Matt Harriman likes making work suck less. He even says it on his company, Pod2's, website. But he also specifically mentions that Al Pacino does not work at his company, so we never know with this wild card.
Anyhow, Matt walks us through his history, what he enjoys doing, his consulting company and technology ideas. Bonus: Dr. Funkenstein records this episode from the confines of another DW podcaster's home, a toddler shows up mid-podcast, and T-Lo talks about driving all over Texas - moving one daughter into College, the day after marrying another daughter within 21 hours. Fun one
Anyhow, Matt walks us through his history, what he enjoys doing, his consulting company and technology ideas. Bonus: Dr. Funkenstein records this episode from the confines of another DW podcaster's home, a toddler shows up mid-podcast, and T-Lo talks about driving all over Texas - moving one daughter into College, the day after marrying another daughter within 21 hours. Fun one
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