Let’s Go Sweeking with Jeremy Sweek on Tripping Over the Barrel

Every once in a while, the world is in perfect harmony. In this case, that harmony is a couple of handsome Jeremy's getting together on a podcast. Also there was an Aggie, but that has nothing to do with the har...anyway. The Sweeker comes on to discuss Darcy, Deloitte, Oxy, Energy Transition, in an accidental entrepreneur-centric episode.
Every once in a while, the world is in perfect harmony. In this case, that harmony is a couple of handsome Jeremy's getting together on a podcast. Also there was an Aggie, but that has nothing to do with the har...anyway. The Sweeker comes on to discuss Darcy, Deloitte, Oxy, Energy Transition, in an accidental entrepreneur-centric episode.
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Let’s Go Sweeking with Jeremy Sweek on Tripping Over the Barrel
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