Getting Stogned with the Unicorn: #vote4theunicorn on Tripping Over the Barrel
Sarah Stogner doesn't have time for your BS. Or yours. Or yours, either. And you, Chevron? Why don't you go clean up your wells that are leaking in West Texas instead of sending out henchmen to mess with lawyers and environmentalists.The Unicorn takes us through her life, career path, Running for TX Railroad Commissioner, Toxic Masculinity, and TikTok. As promised, the Unicorn delivered with a one of a kind episode.
Sarah Stogner doesn't have time for your BS. Or yours. Or yours, either. And you, Chevron? Why don't you go clean up your wells that are leaking in West Texas instead of sending out henchmen to mess with lawyers and environmentalists.The Unicorn takes us through her life, career path, Running for TX Railroad Commissioner, Toxic Masculinity, and TikTok. As promised, the Unicorn delivered with a one of a kind episode.
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