Tulsa Time with Don Burdick | Tripping Over the Barrel Podcast
Tulsa Time with Don Burdick
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When Tim and Jeremy think about Tulsa, one name immediately comes to mind: Don Burdick. The name Whitey Bulger also comes to mind, but that’s another story for another day…come get on Tulsa time with Don and the fellas to rap about Zion Williamson, Tulsa restaurants, starting an Oil and Gas Company, and how a creative marketing pitch initially brought all of us together almost ten years ago. A must listen. Enjoy!
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Connect with Ken: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennethdalton/Rate the podcast: Ratethispodcast.com/digitalwildcattersSign up for our newsletter: The RoundupSubscribe to Digital Wildcatters on YoutubeFollow Digital Wildcatters on Facebook
Tulsa Time with Don Burdick
Connect with Jeremy
Connect with Tim
When Tim and Jeremy think about Tulsa, one name immediately comes to mind: Don Burdick. The name Whitey Bulger also comes to mind, but that’s another story for another day…come get on Tulsa time with Don and the fellas to rap about Zion Williamson, Tulsa restaurants, starting an Oil and Gas Company, and how a creative marketing pitch initially brought all of us together almost ten years ago. A must listen. Enjoy!
Show Links
Connect with Ken: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennethdalton/Rate the podcast: Ratethispodcast.com/digitalwildcattersSign up for our newsletter: The RoundupSubscribe to Digital Wildcatters on YoutubeFollow Digital Wildcatters on Facebook
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