The Uplifter on Tripping Over the Barrel
Luke Wallace dreams of having a vineyard on the coast of Italy. Or living in Malaysia. Or snowshoeing in the foothills of the Rockies. Or owning a fleet of trucks. But for now? He enjoys being the King of artificial lift. In this episode of TOTB, Luke gives us his history - working at companies large and small, being mentored by artificial lift experts, and gives us a crash course on the seven types of artificial lift (did you know there were that many?). Luke also tells us what balancing a newborn with work during the COVID times looks like. Enjoy!
Luke Wallace dreams of having a vineyard on the coast of Italy. Or living in Malaysia. Or snowshoeing in the foothills of the Rockies. Or owning a fleet of trucks. But for now? He enjoys being the King of artificial lift. In this episode of TOTB, Luke gives us his history - working at companies large and small, being mentored by artificial lift experts, and gives us a crash course on the seven types of artificial lift (did you know there were that many?). Luke also tells us what balancing a newborn with work during the COVID times looks like. Enjoy!
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