The Princess of Procurement on Tripping Over the Barrel
Congratulations, sales guy! The Good news: Someone in an Oil and Gas company wants to buy your product.You even told your boss it was a done deal at an agreed upon price. Now all you have to do is get it past procurement. The Bad News: Shawn Forbes is procurement…and Shawn Forbes will get the best deal for her company. Every. Single. Time. The Queen of Quan takes us through her path from the suburbs of Los Angeles to rural Colorado, her company,, and what it is like to be THE buyer for some of the largest Oil and Gas companies, and finally, what NOT to do with procurement as a salesperson.
Congratulations, sales guy! The Good news: Someone in an Oil and Gas company wants to buy your product.You even told your boss it was a done deal at an agreed upon price. Now all you have to do is get it past procurement. The Bad News: Shawn Forbes is procurement…and Shawn Forbes will get the best deal for her company. Every. Single. Time. The Queen of Quan takes us through her path from the suburbs of Los Angeles to rural Colorado, her company,, and what it is like to be THE buyer for some of the largest Oil and Gas companies, and finally, what NOT to do with procurement as a salesperson.
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