Tales From a Roughneck | Tripping Over the Barrel Podcast
Tales From a Roughneck
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Connect with Tim
Jeremy Funk and Tim Loser AKA Dr. Funkenstein and T Lo, have Collin McLelland on for an entertaining episode. Tim and Collin both have many great stories to share from their days on the rigs.Lesson of this episode: Experience is the greatest teacher.
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Connect with Ken: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennethdalton/Rate the podcast: Ratethispodcast.com/digitalwildcattersSign up for our newsletter: The RoundupSubscribe to Digital Wildcatters on YoutubeFollow Digital Wildcatters on Facebook
Tales From a Roughneck
Connect with Jeremy
Connect with Tim
Jeremy Funk and Tim Loser AKA Dr. Funkenstein and T Lo, have Collin McLelland on for an entertaining episode. Tim and Collin both have many great stories to share from their days on the rigs.Lesson of this episode: Experience is the greatest teacher.
Show Links
Connect with Ken: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennethdalton/Rate the podcast: Ratethispodcast.com/digitalwildcattersSign up for our newsletter: The RoundupSubscribe to Digital Wildcatters on YoutubeFollow Digital Wildcatters on Facebook
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