Spencer’s Gifted on Tripping Over the Barrel
Chad Spencer is a true renaissance man, guy does it all, including...waving knives around on LinkedIn?! Hanging with Chad, we learned about his deep Houston roots, his approach to investments, his passion for recruiting, his expertise in all social media...and that cold calling is live and well...Bonus: Remember that time when you were golfing, and lmost qualified for the US Open? Oh, that was Chad. My Bad. Enjoy!
Chad Spencer is a true renaissance man, guy does it all, including...waving knives around on LinkedIn?! Hanging with Chad, we learned about his deep Houston roots, his approach to investments, his passion for recruiting, his expertise in all social media...and that cold calling is live and well...Bonus: Remember that time when you were golfing, and lmost qualified for the US Open? Oh, that was Chad. My Bad. Enjoy!
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