I STAN THE DAVIS CLAN aka 5 Million Views, Your Move, Steph on Tripping Over the Barrel
Curating genuine, relatable, and hilarious content is essential to building your brand on social media. In the Oil & Gas industry, two and funniest are Steph and Donnie Davis. The Davis clan came on to talk about working in the same industry, from the same office, and raising the same kid. Also might be married. We pose questions such as: "who is the funnier of you two?"..."what is it like to work with the Digital Wildcatters bro's?" and "how do you get 5 million LinkedIn views on a post about getting fired?" Real hard hitting stuff. Loved this one. Enjoy!
Curating genuine, relatable, and hilarious content is essential to building your brand on social media. In the Oil & Gas industry, two and funniest are Steph and Donnie Davis. The Davis clan came on to talk about working in the same industry, from the same office, and raising the same kid. Also might be married. We pose questions such as: "who is the funnier of you two?"..."what is it like to work with the Digital Wildcatters bro's?" and "how do you get 5 million LinkedIn views on a post about getting fired?" Real hard hitting stuff. Loved this one. Enjoy!
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