Bringing The Wisdom on Tripping Over the Barrel Podcast

Wisdom: noun: The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; The quality of being wise. Also known as " something the hosts of this Podcast lack, but The Saga Wisdom executives have in spades." Mike Hwozdecki and John Thompson came on to discuss the shared experience of the glory days at Fekete (now part of IHS Markit), the wisdom gained from Mark Bahorich and the crew that built and sold Q Engineering, their Canadian roots, and bonding over the Habs struggles. There is a huge need for oil and gas professionals to gain knowledge from the best and brightest in the industry. Tune in to learn how Saga Wisdom is filling that gap!
Wisdom: noun: The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; The quality of being wise. Also known as " something the hosts of this Podcast lack, but The Saga Wisdom executives have in spades." Mike Hwozdecki and John Thompson came on to discuss the shared experience of the glory days at Fekete (now part of IHS Markit), the wisdom gained from Mark Bahorich and the crew that built and sold Q Engineering, their Canadian roots, and bonding over the Habs struggles. There is a huge need for oil and gas professionals to gain knowledge from the best and brightest in the industry. Tune in to learn how Saga Wisdom is filling that gap!

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Bringing The Wisdom on Tripping Over the Barrel Podcast
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