A Minute with Sinnott | Tripping Over the Barrel Podcast
A Minute with Sinnott
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Sometimes memories are built over a sandwich, who knew. We talked with Joe Sinnott about all things Pittsburgh and yet another unconventional career path.Joe came out of the Garden State (NJ) but fell in love with Pittsburgh, enjoyed a great career with EQT (including the Rice acquisition and resulting drama) and now is following a passion for leadership coaching. Joe and Tim recount how they met while teaching Tim about unique Pittsburgh sandwiches.
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Connect with Ken: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennethdalton/Rate the podcast: Ratethispodcast.com/digitalwildcattersSign up for our newsletter: The RoundupSubscribe to Digital Wildcatters on YoutubeFollow Digital Wildcatters on Facebook
A Minute with Sinnott
Connect with Jeremy
Connect with Tim
Sometimes memories are built over a sandwich, who knew. We talked with Joe Sinnott about all things Pittsburgh and yet another unconventional career path.Joe came out of the Garden State (NJ) but fell in love with Pittsburgh, enjoyed a great career with EQT (including the Rice acquisition and resulting drama) and now is following a passion for leadership coaching. Joe and Tim recount how they met while teaching Tim about unique Pittsburgh sandwiches.
Show Links
Connect with Ken: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennethdalton/Rate the podcast: Ratethispodcast.com/digitalwildcattersSign up for our newsletter: The RoundupSubscribe to Digital Wildcatters on YoutubeFollow Digital Wildcatters on Facebook
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